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Cool Hack Tricks

How to delete the Autorun.inf virus/file from your computer or external storage device like pen drive or hard drive

Step 1: First of all Disable if any CD/DVD or USB Autorun in windows

Step2:Now  Open Winrar.exe  (Start–>All Programs–>WinRar–>WinRar.exe)

Step 3:Browse to any drive which has been infected with Autorun.inf virus using winrar explorer application.

Step4: Now you will see all the hidden files under winrar for that particular drive.

Step 5: Look for the file Autorun.inf and open it using notepad.

Step 6: In that Autorun file, some .EXE file will be mentioned that will be executed along with the autorun file. This exe file is the main culprit responsible for its viral activity.

Step 7: Note down the exe file mentioned in the Autorun.inf file. Close this Autorun.inf file.

Step 8: Now look for that .EXE file in the drive. Delete this .exe file along with Autorun.inf

Step 9: Restart your computer. Now your system is free from Autorun.inf Virus.

Note: This process is applicable for your Usb or Pendrives are                                                                           infected with Autorun.inf virus.

 Trick to speed up your Pen Drive using command prompt

You can attain file transfer speed up to 40Mbps using this cool trick.Pen drive can be of any brand say Kingston,Transcend etc.,trick works for all the brands available in the market.Actually here we are converting the FAT partition present by default in your pen drive to NTFS format. NTFS partition provides much much faster data transfer. Follow the following steps.

1) Open 'Command Prompt'. 

2) At the command prompt, type the following- 

CONVERT <drive name>:/FS:NTFS

Now enjoy file transfer with the speed you never imagined!!!!! 

For Safe Computing Disable CD/DVD or USB Autorun in windows

When ever you plug a usb device to the system or insert a cd/dvd disk, The windows Autorun Run utility runs and displays certain options like open files to view, Play, Do nothing
Although this a good utility provided by windows xp operating system, It is sometimes very dangerous too. When A virus infected Usb drive or Cd is plugged into the system, the virus gets a chance to attack you operating system, by running automatically when you plug your device in. So, for this safety purpose, we need to Disable this Autorun feature in windows XP.

Follow the below steps and ensure your systems safety.
1) Click Start –> Run and type  GPEDIT.MSC  –  This opens Group Policy editor window.
2) On the left side –> expand  Computer Configuration–> Administrative Templates–> System.
3)  Locate the entry for Turn autoplay off on the right side.
4) Double click it and select “Enabled”
For any further assistance to Disable Cd Autorun view the sample screen shot below.
Enjoy safe computing!!!!!

Google "Searching for Secrets"

One often wonders “How to start hacking”, “ what are the resources needed  to be an elite hacker. The answer is Google…Through google you can get enough data,which would form the building block for the hacking procedure. Google can provide you all the information you need. You just need to know how to use Google to retrieve those sensitive data for ethical hacking or whatever purpose you would like to use. One thing more if you follow the below techniques you can save time, yours results will be more precise, accurate and relevant. So here we go……

define: - This google operator will find definitions for a certain term or  word over the Internet. Very useful when you come across a strange word when writing a post. Well you can use this as a google dictionary.

info: - The google info operator will list the sets of information that Google has from a specific website.

site: - This google operator can be used to see the number of indexed pages on your site .Alternative it can also be used to search for information inside a specific        site or class of sites.

link: - This google link operator allows you to find backlinks pointing to your site. Unfortunately the count is not updated frequently and not all backlinks are shown.

Inurl: Restricts results to sites whose URL contains the specified phrase. For example inurl:fox fire will find all sites containing the word fire in the text and fox in the URL.

allinurl: - Using this Google operator will limit the search to results that contain the desired keywords on the URL structure. (i.e. allinurl:dailyblogtips)

fileformat: - Useful Google operator for finding specific file formats. Sometimes you know that the information you are looking for is likely to be contained in a PDF document or on a PowerPoint presentation, for instance. (i.e. “fileformat:.pdf market research” will search for PDF documents that contain the terms “market” and “research”)

intitle: Restricts results to documents whose title contains the specified phrase. For example intitle:fox fire will find all sites with the word fox in the title and fire in the text.

allintitle: Restricts results to documents whose title contains all the specified phrases. For example allintitle:fox fire will find all sites with the words fox and fire in the title, so it's equivalent to intitle:fox intitle:fire.

Filetype, ext: Restricts results to documents of the specified type filetype:pdf fire will return PDFs containing the word fire, while filetype:xls fox will return Excel spreadsheets with the word fox.

Numrange: restricts results to documents containing a number from the specified
Range numrange:1-100 fire will return sites containing a number from 1 to 100 and the word fire. The same result can be achieved with 1..100 fire.

Link: Restricts results to sites containing links to the specified location will return documents containing one or more links to
Inanchor: Restricts results to sites containing links with the specified phrase in
their descriptions inanchor:fire will return documents with links whose description contains the word fire (that's the actual link text, not the URL indicated by the link)
allintext: Restricts results to documents containing the specified phrase in the text, but not in the title, link descriptions or URLs allintext:"fire fox" will return documents which contain the phrase fire fox in their text only.

+:  Specifies that a phrase should occur frequently in results. +fire will order results by the number of occurrences of the word fire.

-: Specifies that a phrase must not occur in results. -fire will return documents that don't contain the word fire.

"":  Delimiters for entire search phrases (not single words) "fire fox" will return documents containing the phrase fire fox .Wildcard for a single character will return documents containing the phrases fire foxfireAfoxfire1foxfire-fox etc.

: Wildcard for a single word fire * fox will return documents containing the phrases
fire the foxfire in foxfire or fox etc.

| logical OR: "fire fox" | firefox will return documents containing the phrase fire fox or the word firefox.